Geophysical Journal | 2004 volume 26 ¹1

On automated computer input of geologic-geophysical maps images with the first type ruptures and interactive regime visualization of three-dimentional geophysical models and their fields

© Starostenko V.I., Legostayeva O.V., Makarenko I.B., Pavlyuk E.V., Sharypanov V.M.

Principles of operation have been set out for created program complexes aimed at:

  • computer input automation by scanning geologic-geophysical maps with the first type ruptures (which reflect faults, scraps, shifts etc.) with subsequent transformation of the introduced data into digital form;
  • interactive regime visualization of three-dimentional geophysical models and their fields (with possibility of rotation and observation of models from different points, correction of graphic and digital information on a display, examination of model sections in different planes et al.).

Application of created complexes facilitates and hastens essentially the process of geophysical fields (gravity, magnetic, geothermal et al.) interpretation by three-dimentional digital modelling method.

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