Geophysical Journal | 2010 volume 32 ¹1

Mathematic model of electric field for the system of cathode protection of main pipeline

© Lukovich V.V., Lukovich V.V. (junior)

In calculations of cathode protection parameters for the main pipelines the value of transitional resistance of anti-corrosion coating is used. Specific resistance of the loading without defects is valuated by numbers from hundreds of kiloOhm/m2 to tenths of megOhm/m2, while the value of transitional resistance changes within the interval from ten kiloOhm/m2 (when the coating is of qood quality) to tens (and even units) Ohm/m2 (when it is of poor quality). This transitional quality rather serves as a criterion of the coating quality. In this work we introduce instead of it the value of a share of defects, which is determined as a ratio of integrated area of defects within the given section of the pipeline and the area of its whole surface. Mathematical model has been designed, algorithm and a program of calculation of protection parameters. Results of calculations according to the data of measurements on the pipelines in action have been illustrated by the diagrams.

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