Geophysical Journal | 2013 volume 35 ¹2

Electrostatic stratification of global cloud system by self-consistent field of metastable electronic-ionic subsystem of the atmosphere

© Belyi T.A., Zelenin Yu.A.

Analysis of frequency distribution of the heights of clouds formation has been conducted by the data of airplane sounding for compatibility to the structure of surface and high-altitude electrostatic field. Coincidence of maximal sites of frequency distribution of cloud heights with zero values of distribution of three-dimensional charges of atmosphere has been found. Correspondence does not depend on the type of cloudiness, though cloud distributions by themselves differ essentially for the different types. It has been shown that frequency distribution of the heights of clouds formation is related to gravity polarization of the active atmospheric medium - metastable under-cooled coulomb plasma of thermalizing atmospheric electrons. Effective dielectric permeability of such a medium varies within the limits of 104-106 CGSE. Approximate solution of self-consistent Poisson equation for medium field of atmospheric electrons corresponding to Landau equation for the first-order phase transitions has been given. Exact solution has been found for the equation depending on boundary conditions. Parameters of solution, module of elliptic function and effective length of screening have been chosen in accordance with the experiment and reproduce altitude run of potential correctly. Module dependence has a critical character of first-order phase transitions. The nature of dependence is related to heavy mode of lengmure vibrations of ionic-electronic atmosphere subsystem.

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