Geophysical Journal | 2013 volume 35 ¹3

Balanced cross-section of the outcrop "Tartak" (Scyba nappe of the Ukrainian Carpathians)

© M.V. Nakapelukh, I.M. Bubnyak

We present the results of combined use of tectonophysical studies and modeling of thrust-fold structures on the outcrops of the Stryi deposits near village Bukivets', the Scyba nappe of the External Ukrainian Carpathians. Based on tectonophysic investigations the deformation regimes and their manifestation succession were distinguished. These investigations were complemented by balanced cross-section of an outcrop and modeling of fold-thrust structure. Three stages of the structure formation have been subdivided with successive development of folding; development of overthrusts of the first order; development of folds and overthrusts of the second order. It has been proposed to include the outcrop of the Stryi deposits near the village Bukivets' to the list of geological places of interest of Ukraine.

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