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Kutas Roman Ivanovich

Doctor of Geological-Mineralogical Sciences, Professor

  • After graduation with distinction from Lvov Polytechnical Institute by speciality "Geophysical Methods of Survey and Exploration of mineral deposits" in 1956 he worked as an operator, a chief of a detachment in Mosbass geophysical expedition of the trust "Coalgeophysics" of the Ministry of Coal Industry of the USSR (c. Tula);
  • 1958 - 1961 – engineer of the Institute of Geology of Mineral Deposits Ac. Sci. Ukr. SSR and Lvov branch of the Institute of Geophysics of Ac. Sci. Ukr. SSR;
  • 1961 - 1964 – Postgraduateship at the Institute of Geophysics of Ac. Sci. Ukr. SSR (Scientific Supervisor Doctor of Geological-Mineralogical Sciences, Professor V. N. Golovtsyn);
  • 1964 - Subordinate Research Worker of the Laboratory of Physical Properties of the Earth's matter;
  • 1967 - Candidate of Technical Sciences. The theme of the Candidate Theses "Conditions of geothermal regime of the Earth's crust formation (Carpathian Geosyncline as an example)" was defended at Dnepropetrovsky Mining Institute named after Artem.
  • 1968 - Supervising Research Worker of the Department of Gravity;
  • 1971 - was given a Scientific Title "Supervising Research Worker";
  • 1977 - Doctor of Geological-Mineralogical Sciences. The theme of the Doctor Theses "The field of thermal flows and thermal model of the Earth's crust of the South-West of the USSR (defended at the Institute of Geophysics named after S.I. Subbotin Ac. Sci. Ukr. SSR);
  • 1981 - the Chief of the Laboratory of geothermy and modern geodynamics of the Department of Deep-Seated Processes of the Earth and Gravimetry;
  • 1987 up to present - Chief of the Department of Geothermy and Modern Geodynamics;
  • 1988 - Chairman of the Scientific Council "Geodynamics and Earthquake Forecast" at the Division of the Earth Sciences of NAS Ukraine;
  • 1993 - was given a title "Professor".

The author of 304 scientific works, among them 5 monographs and 3 Author Diploma.

Trained 4 Candidates of Sciences and 1 Doctor of Sciences.

The main line of scientific activity – studies of thermal flow and thermal regime of the Earth, elaboration of a theory and procedures of interpretation of irregularities of thermal flow and complex analysis of geophysical data, algorythmization of solving direct and reverse problems of geothermy, construction of temperature and complex models of lithosphere, studies of deep-seated structure and geodynamic processes, in particular, the nature and evolution of continental rifts and postriftogenic sedimentary basins, thermodynamic conditions of formation of oil-gas deposits.

R.I. Kutas was the first to perform detailed measurements of thermal flows in Ukraine, to perform generalization of geothermal data as a Catalogue of different scale maps together with elaborated system of their interpretation. Fundamental spatial-temporal regularities in thermal flows distribution were found and their tectono-geodynamic nature was proved, new equipment and procedures were elaborated with the Author Diplomas obtained.

Participated in preparation to edition of such fundamental works as "Geothermal Atlas of Europe" and "Atlas of Geothermal Resources of Europe".

R.I. Kutas is a Prize Winner of the State Prize of Ukr. SSR in the field of science and technique with a team of Research Workers of IGP in 1984 for a series of works "Theory, methods and results of lithosphere studies of Ukraine and adjacent territories by complex data of seismometry, gravimetry and geothermy" comprising more than 30 monographs.

In 1995 was awarded the State Prize of Ukraine in the field of science and technique with a team of Research Workers of IGP for eight-volume monograph "Lithosphere of the Central and Eastern Europe".

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