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Gordienko Vadim Vyacheslavovich

Doctor of Geological-Mineralogical Sciences, Professor

  • V.V. Gordienko was born on January 20, 1939 to a family of employee.
  • 1961 - graduated from Kiev State University named after T.G. Shevchenko by speciality "geophysical methods of the search and exploration of mineral deposits";
  • 1961 - 1963 - engineer-geophysicist of Altayskaya expedition of WSGA (West-Siberian Geological Administration);
  • 1963 - 1966 - Postgraduate of the Institute of Geophysics named after S.I. Subbotin NAS Ukraine;
  • 1966 - 1971 - Subordinate Research Worker of the Department of Physical Properties of the Earth's crust;
  • 1971 - 1973 - Research Worker of the Department of Physical Properties of the Earth's crust;
  • 1973 - 1986 - Supervising Research Worker of the Department of Physical Properties of the Earth's crust;
  • 1986 - 1987 - Chief Research Worker of the Department of Deep Seated Processes of the Earth and Gravimetry;
  • 1987 - 1993 - Chief of the Laboratory of the Department of Deep Seated Processes of the Earth and Gravimetry;
  • 1993 - Chief of the Department of Tectonosphere;
  • 1968 - defended the Candidate Theses "Geothermal conditions and thermal properties of rocks of the Crimean Peninsula" (defended at Kiev State University named after T.G. Shevchenko);
  • 1978 - defended the Doctor Theses "Studies of thermal fields of Geosynclines" (defended at the Institute of Geophysics named after S.I. Subbotin NAS Ukraine);
  • 1979 - was given a scientific title "Supervising Research Worker";
  • 1992 - was given a scientific title "Professor".

Scientific work of leader a department Vadim V. Gordienko

  • Development of a hypothesis of deep processes in tectonosphere of the Earth (advection-polymorphic hypothesis - APH).
  • The analysis of deep processes in tectonosphere of territory of Ukraine, others continental and oceanic regions, transitive zones from continents to oceans (Europe, Central Asia, pacific borders of Asia, Northern and Southern America, Atlantic borders of Europe and Northern America) according to APH.
  • The complex analysis of the geological-geophysical data.
  • Study of a deep thermal flow, gravitational and magnetic fields, nature of conductivity anomalies.

V.V. Gordienko is the author of 260 scientific works, among them 14 monographs.

Trained 6 Candidates of Sciences, among them two by Postgraduateship of the Institute of Geophysics named after S.I. Subbotin NAS Ukraine.

The main line of scientific activity is a complex analysis of geological - geophysical information in studies of of deep seated processes in the Earth's tectonosphere, geothermy, geodynamics and seismic activity, studies of geoenergetics, the search of mineral deposits.

V.V. Gordienko is a Prize Winner of the State Prize of Ukr.SSR in the field of science and technique (with a team of Research Workers of IGP) for a series of works "Theory, methods and results of studying Ukraine and adjacent territories by complex of data of seismometry, gravimetry and geothermy" comprising more than 30 monographs.

In 1995 V.V. Gordienko (with a team of Research Workers of IGP) was awarded the State Prize of Ukraine in the field of science and technique for eight volume monograph "Lithosphere of Central and Eastern Europe".

The basic publications of last years:

  • Gordienko V.V. Deep processes in tectonosphere of the Earth. Kiev: IGP NASCU. 1998. 85p.
  • Gordienko V.V. Density of model tectonosphere of territory of Ukraine. К.: Intelekt. - 1999. - 100p.
  • Gordienko V.V. Magnetic models terrestrial crust of territory of Ukraine. - К.: Znannya. - 2000. - 92p.
  • Gordienko V.V.., Tarasov V.N. Recent activization and helium-isotope of territory of Ukraine. - К.: Znannya. - 2001. - 100p
  • Gordienko V.V. A nature crust and mantle conductors // Geoph. J. - 2001. - 1. - P. 29-39.
  • Gordienko V.V. Advection-polimorphic process in тектоносфере of a transitive zone of the atlantic type // Geoph. J.- 2001.- 5. - P. 60-68.
  • Gordienko V.V. Advection-polimorphic process in tectonosphere of a transitive zone of the pacific type // Geoph. J. - 2001.- 6. - P. 21-39.
  • Gordienko V.V., Gordienko I.V., Zavgorodnyaya O.V., Usenko O.V.. A thermal field of territory of Ukraine. - К.: Znannya. - 2002. - 170p.
  • Gordienko V.V. Application of the data the deep geoelectric for the control of hypotheses tectogenesis // Physics of the Earth. - 2002. - 10. - P 54-63.
  • Gordienko V.V. About possible alternative tectonic of plates (thermal processes in tectonosphere, geological history and physical fields) // Disputable aspects plat-tectonic and possible alternatives. - M.: RAN. - 2002. - P. 84-97.
  • Gordienko V.V., Usenko O.V. Deep processes in the Ukrain's tectonosphere. - Kiev. - 2003. - 147p.

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