Institute of Geophysics National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
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Usenko Olga Vitalievna

Usenko O.V. - geothermal researches of DDB and Donbass, construction petrological models of tectonosphere, study of magmatism evolution of regions with different endogenic regime.

The basic publications of last years:

  • Usenko O.V. Paleogeothermal gradient and regional methamorphism of Donbass coales. // NAScU Reports. - 1999. - 10.
  • Gordienko V.V., Usenko O.V. Geosinclyne process on an example herthynian geosinclyne of Donbass // Geoph. J. - 2000. - 5. - P.33-38.
  • Gordienko V.V., Gordienko I.V., Zavgorodnyaya O.V., Tarasov V.N., Usenko O.V. Geothermal investigations of the Zakarpatye basin //NAScU Reports. - 2001. - 11. - P 86-90.
  • Gordienko V.V., Gordienko I.V., Zavgorodnyaya O.V., Tarasov V.N., Usenko O.V.. Geothermal researches of the Folded Carpathians // NAScU Reports. - 2001. - 12. - P 96-101.
  • Usenko O.V. Paleozoic cimberlyte magmatism of Donbass and Preasov. // NASCU Reports. - 2003.- 12.
  • Usenko O.V. Stages of formation precambrian carbonatite complex of Preasov // NAScU Reports. - 2003. - 6. - P 115-122.
  • Gordienko V.V., Usenko O.V. Riftogenesis process on an example of the Hercinian Dnieper-Donets rift // Geoph. J. - 2002. - 4. - P 62-80.
  • Usenko O.V. A thermal flow and modern activization of Donetsk pool (on new by the data) // Geoph. J. - 2002. - 5. - P. 102-111.
  • Gordienko V.V., Gordienko I.V., Zavgorodnyaya O.V., Usenko O.V. A thermal field of territory of Ukraine. - Ê.: Znannya. - 2002. - 170p.

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